Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mozilla Hired Humanized Founders

Wow. I never even knew about this company, called Humanize. But Mozilla just hired 3 of the main guys [1]. I just checked out Songza [2] and it's got a very simple, very cool interface. Not to mention that it lets you just listen to music. The interface is so simple, so clean, I immediately started using it.

It's always fun to learn about cool companies who are making great products. Specifically I google aza raskin and found his wikipedia page, which linked to a very good article "never use a warning when you mean undo" [3].

[1] - http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/01/15/breaking-mozilla-buying-humanized/
[2] - http://www.songza.com/
[3] - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/neveruseawarning

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